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19 November 2021

What makes a resilient leader?

Now, more than ever, we need leaders with the mindset and behaviours to steer the way forward, and inspire others to follow.

Organisations are facing unprecedented upheaval as they flex and adapt to the new world of work. At the same time, advances in technology bring as much disruption as they do opportunity, and social and environmental upheaval raises complex challenges waiting to be solved. In these challenging times, what is it that will enable some organisations to succeed, and shape the future?

A resilient organisation doesn’t just happen. Innovation and creativity come from the people who work there, and this starts with the leaders. Here are the hallmarks of a truly resilient leader:

  • They take control of their energy levels, understanding that without fuel in the tank you’re not going anywhere;
  • They have a clear vision for the future and align their teams around it;
  • They are values-driven, know how to leverage their strengths and learn through experience;
  • They maintain a positive attitude, and are able to flex and adapt to create opportunity from challenge;
  • They actively build a robust network of support built on authentic trust.
And lastly, they take the lead in shaping a culture of resilience that runs through every level of the organisation.
Now, more than ever, we need leaders with the mindset and behaviours to steer the way forward, and inspire others to follow. And, the good news is that resilience can be learnt. Every leader can develop the essential traits of resilience.
How can we help?

To find out more about how to build the resilience of your leaders, get in touch.

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