Mindfulness workshops for organisations today
Mindfulness is a powerful practice for combatting stress and boosting performance. These are research-based approaches that increase emotional intelligence, improve decision-making and heighten focus and creativity.
Introduction to Mindfulness
Introduction to Mindfulness introduces the key principles of mindfulness with experiential activities.
Course outcomes
- Understand the key principles of mindfulness
- Take control of your auto pilot
- Practice easy-to-implement mindfulness techniques
The Monkey Mind
Monkey Mind explores the way the mind works and introduces impactful mindfulness techniques to manage your thoughts.
Course outcomes
- Become aware of unhelpful thinking patterns
- Understand the relationship between thoughts, feelings and behaviours
- Learn practical mindfulness techniques for noticing thoughts
Mindful Movement
Mindful Movement introduces practices to reconnect with our body, calm our mental state, and re-integrate body and mind.
Course outcomes
- Understand the feedback loop between body and mind
- Learn practical mindful movement exercises
- Practice the body scan to increase physical awareness
Mindful Relationships
The practice of Mindfulness can enrich and deepen relationships with colleagues and clients. In this session we will explore how to interact to develop a deeper sense of connection.
Course outcomes
- Learn the principles of mindful communication – even when remote
- See the opportunity in difficult conversations
- Develop greater kindness, connection, empathy and kinship
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Case Studies
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To find out more about our mindfulness programmes, get in touch.