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Resilience Assessment

Robust data is at the heart of every successful wellbeing plan. Our unique psychometric assessment (Wraw) measures the mindset and behaviours that support your team’s wellbeing and their performance.

Get in touch

To find out more, get in touch.

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Skill and professionalism
Thanks to the skill and professionalism of The Wellbeing Project, our people quickly felt confident in discussing a difficult subject in an open forum.
Building a culture of wellbeing
Wraw supported an open and honest discussion about how we behave as individuals and as a team, and the environment we create for our workforce.
A comprehensive solution
The Wraw models, tools and materials are comprehensive & ready to use. I’m excited to start working with organisations to strengthen their resilience.
A holistic overview of wellbeing
The Wraw psychometric gives us a holistic overview of wellbeing, and identifies areas where we can improve as an organisation.
Data-led wellbeing
The data from Wraw allows me to engage with employees on a much deeper level. We work together to identify achievable action plans to help increase resilience and wellbeing.
Kickstart the coaching process
Wraw kickstarts the coaching process. It is easy to find the "hotspots" and from there choose the right strategies for the client.
Teresa Mullen
EDF Energy
Clare Sloman
AstraZeneca UKM
Poonam Mandalia
Wraw Practitioner
Ann Louise Ramos
Samantha Evans
Kelly Services
Tomas Lönn
Wraw Resilience Coach
Measuring employee resilience

At The Wellbeing Project, we understand that measuring employee resilience is the first step to improving it. Our unique assessment provides comprehensive insight into psychological, physical and social resilience. Equipped with this knowledge, we can work with you to develop targeted interventions to support your team’s long-term success.

The 5 Pillars of Resilience

Our workplace resilience and wellbeing assessment is built upon a scientifically validated, evidence-based model. Developed by our team of business psychologists, The 5 Pillars of Resilience measures 3 key dimensions: physical, psychological and social. It gives a holistic understanding of key strengths and areas for improvement.

The 5 Pillars of Resilience model

How it works

Completing the assessment is a quick and easy process. It takes just 15 minutes to answer a series of questions online. Our assessment tool compares individual results against a global norm group to generate a range of reports. Rich in data, they give a comprehensive analysis of resilience throughout an organisation.

  • Individual: A detailed profile of an individual’s resilience
  • Team: A comprehensive overview of a team’s resilience
  • Leader: Feedback on how a leader supports team wellbeing
  • Organisation: A strategic overview of wellbeing throughout an organisation

At The Wellbeing Project, we take confidentiality seriously. All team reports are anonymised to protect the privacy of individuals, while individual reports are confidential. The Wraw assessment tool adheres to strict data protection policies and regulations to ensure that your team’s data is secure.

Your people can trust that their results are private and confidential, allowing them to feel safe and supported as they take steps towards improving their resilience.

Data-driven solutions

The Wraw psychometric supports a range of wellbeing solutions to strengthen individual, team, leader and organisational resilience:

  • Consulting: data driven wellbeing strategy development
  • Workshops: practical tools and models to build resilience
  • Coaching: targeted development interventions both 1:1 and with teams

Get in touch

Contact us to learn more about our employee resilience assessment and take the first step towards creating a happier, more productive workplace.